Kashmiri Moong Dal Recipe
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Mung Daal – Kashmiri Moong Dal Recipe

Kashmiri cuisine, a symphony of aromatic spices and fragrant flavors, tells a story of the region’s rich history and cultural influences. And nestled within this captivating narrative is the humble Kashmiri Moong Dal recipe, a dish that transcends its simplicity to become an embodiment of Kashmiri warmth and comfort.

Moong Dal, or split green gram, is a protein-packed lentil widely used in Indian cuisine. In Kashmir, the preparation of Moong Dal takes on a unique character, blending local spices and culinary techniques that have been passed down through generations. Let’s venture on a culinary journey and explore the delightful Kashmiri Moong Dal recipe.

Kashmiri Moong Dal Recipe

Kashmiri Moong Dal Recipe

Recipe by Usha TrisalCourse: Lunch, DinnerCuisine: KashmiriDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time


Total time



Mildly spiced with turmeric and ginger powder, this Kashmiri moong dal recipe is a flavorful delight. The gentle combination of ingredients creates a comforting dish, perfect for those seeking a nutritious and wholesome meal.


  • 1 cup of washed split or whole moong dal

  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin seed

  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric

  • 2 crushed cloves

  • 2 whole red chillies

  • 1 teaspoon ghee or mustard oil/vegetable oil

  • 1 pinch of Asafoetida

  • 3 cups of water

  • Salt to taste


  • Wash well and place the split moong dal in a pressure cooker or cooking pan.
  • Add all the ingredients to the moong dal in a pressure cooker or cooking pan.
  • Pressure cook for 10 minutes, or until the whistle starts. If cooked in a pan, cook for about 30 minutes at medium heat, or until the bean is mushy and well mixed with water.
  • Remove the lid. Check out the thickness and consistency of the daal. You may need to boil more.
  • Sauté the cumin seeds and chopped green chilies in mustard oil/vegetable oil or ghee before adding to the dal
  • Remove from the flame.


  • Moong dal is typically served with side dishes such as ollu churma, soutschal, and/or talith muji chetini.
  • Tadaka/Bagara/tempering is prepared by sautéing coriander powder, freshly grated ginger, cumin seeds, diced tomatoes, green chilies, onion, and garlic. This tadaka is mixed with the daal to create a non-traditional variety.
  • On fasting days onions, garlic, and tomatoes are avoided. You can garnish it with freshly chopped cilantro/dhaniya.

People also ask

  1. What can I serve Kashmiri Moong Dal with?

    Kashmiri Moong Dal is typically served with rice as a main course. It can also be paired with roti or naan as part of a larger meal. Some people enjoy it with a side of Kashmiri pickle for a refreshing contrast.

  2. How is Kashmiri Moong Dal different from other dal recipes?

    Kashmiri Moong Dal stands out due to its unique combination of spices, including Kashmiri red chili powder, cumin seed, and ginger powder, which impart a distinct flavor. The dish has a mild heat and a rich, comforting taste.

  3. Can I use whole moong beans instead of split moong dal?

    No. The traditional recipe uses split moong dal.

  4. Can I make Kashmiri Moong Dal vegan?

    Yes, you can make the recipe vegan by replacing ghee with vegetable oil or any plant-based oil of your choice. The dish will still retain its authentic flavors.

Important Search Terms:

Authentic Kashmiri moong dal recipe, Best Kashmiri moong dal recipe, Simple Kashmiri moong dal recipe, Moong dal advantages and disadvantages

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